Santiago Sierra, Flag
Black Flag South Pol, 14 December 2015+ Black Fla North Pol 14 April 2015
“I wanted to create an anarchist icon that was a source of pride and courage; that made you think that the planet is ours when you saw it. I have created many works of a hurtful ugliness. However, I see Black Flag as the most poetic of my works, without a doubt the most beautiful of the ones I’ve done until now.”
Santiago Sierra (from
“The work touches on issues such as territorial control, how empires are built and sovereignty. But Sierra is adamant that freedom of movement should prevail. “When I cross a border, I feel like I'm going to prison. You leave one farm and enter another. The truth is that I find the idea of a border or a wall vile. We all have the right to go where we please. There are more and more walls and more and more people willing to jump over them. The Mediterranean is a cemetery,”
From In pictures: Santiago Sierra’s show of polar odysseys brings border issues into sharp focus, by Gareth Harris in The Art Newpaper